Friday, August 9, 2013

This Crazy Roller Coaster Ride

I am blessed to have recently started making an Okay amount through my KDP sales, by no means am I rich yet, not that that was my goal, but I am at least making some money and am so very grateful for that, but now I find myself figuring out Sales Stats, Income Tax Information, keeping receipts for business related expenses, and I am truly blessed.  Despite the headache anything math relate gives me LOL.

The truth is though I love what I do, and I really would not change that for the world.  The Lord gave me a gift for words and I plan on using them.  But with my profession comes some disadvantages, even dangers, for the past few months I have been battling Carpo tunnel first in my right hand and now in both, so the amount of time I spend at the computer has been greatly lessened.  Some days I work a little longer than others, but for the most part I try to work no more than two hours a day, while I am healing and strengthening my hands, my O.T has a concern over the weakness in my hands and legs, so I have been working on that.

I refuse to give up writing though, to me it would be like giving up breathing, sleeping or eating.  I am an author that is the gift God has given me, and in order to write I know I must keep myself fit.  Sitting around the house all day, staring at a blank computer screen doesn't work for me, what does work is getting out experiencing the world, and then coming home to the characters that love to speak to me often in the late hours of the night.  Still there are days no matter how hard I try the words will not come.  So I press on anyway.

I write despite the crazy roller coaster because I must I have something to say.  I want to use my words, whether fiction or non fiction to draw others closer to the Lord, and to draw myself closer, because we can never be close enough to the Lord.

I will keep writing despite the roller coaster of emotions, of words, of lack of words!! I have something to say, and I need to say it through the characters that live in my heart and mind...

You can find the link to my books ranging from 0.99 to 2.99 for the Kindle Copies :) Happy Reading!

In Christ's Love