Monday, November 19, 2012

The End In Sight (Deep in the Land of Nano)

How are my fellow Nanowrimers doing?  I am flying through this part, but I know I am going to have to face a lot of rewrites on Edge of Ruin.  I am ready though, but first I need to finish the novel and at 75k words and counting i am starting to see an end in sight.

I took some time off to enjoy my friends youngest sons fall concert.  Very cute I must say.  But I am still writing, and the story line I think is pretty strong. 

I also am realistic and know that this wip is going to need some work.  I am just happy that I am getting the story down.  I am happy to be writing.  Thank God for the gift of words, it is truly freeing in more ways than one.

God Bless

Friday, November 9, 2012

Keeping Your Head Above Water...Trial and Error in the World Of Writing And Publshing

As a writer of course my passion is the written word, whether I am the one writing it, or I am reading something.  I love a book that holds on to me and doesn't let me go, and that is the way I want to write, but there is more to an authors life than just writing novels.  After nearly ten years of being an "author" you know that magic word you can use when you are published, I still find myself trying to figure out things like Authors Platform, and how to better your sales, and believe me I have ready plenty on the subject, but I am still trying to figure it out, I will let you know when I get somewhere.

Some may say you could always higher a publicist, and where pray tell is that money going to come from?  I find myself wondering, because the truth is I am not exactly making the kind of living Danielle Steel does at this, of course my genre is different, but I am simply trying to make it, keeping my head above the water in the publishing world.

My publisher does next to nothing in the way of publicity so its left to me, and if I tell you the name of the publisher, you may say why in the world did you publish with them.  The truth was back then I did not know the things I know now.  Ten years can make a person do a lot of growing you know what I mean?  So its left up to me, and yes I have facebook, with more friends than I can count, Google Plus twitter, heck even pinterest, and still I am fighting to keep my head above water...I am trying to make it as a writer, and yet I keep doing it... Some may say well you can always stop writing, and get a "real job" and that has always made me want to scream, you know what I mean?  I have a real job, writing is not merely sitting at a computer all day, typing words, you research, you read, you run around looking for the information you need until your eyes feel heavy, and you wonder if your head is going to explode, and still you do it, because you are a writer, and not writing, would be like not breathing.

I'm a writer, and that is not going to change, even when I feel like pulling my hair out because the sentence does not turn out just right, even as I face rejection and dismal book sales, I am going to write, because write I must...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

From the Land of Wrimo 2012

Greetings my friends, pull up a chair, and a cup of cocoa, or coffee whatever you prefer, and write on, those of you who are writing, and for my followers who are not writers, just pull up a chair, something warm to drink, and keep reading, everyone is welcome here.

A week in of Nano and I am pushing nineteen thousand words on my Novel.  Some may ask why you want to due Nano, the truth is simple I enjoy it, and it gets those creative juices flowing.  It may not be like any other literary contest, but the point is its fun, and I enjoy it.  I am also working on other projects so I am plenty busy.

Writing has been a passion of mine for a long time, I guess its only natural because I am a reader, and for the past five years Nanowrimo has been something I have looked forward to.  I do not expect to write the great American Novel in the span of thirty days don't get me wrong, but I do find that often times I get ideas that I can tweak into ideas that turn into something worthy of print.

The boys have their own desktop now.  But they still love fighting over my laptop LOL!!!!

Well I guess I better get back to the word count, maybe I can make it to twenty k tonight, that would make me very happy.  Anyway happy writing my fellow wrimers, and happy reading to everyone else.

God Bless