Friday, July 8, 2011

A Single Step

They say each journey begins with a single step and that is true in writing to, but the funny thing is I do not remember exactly when that step began, though I know it began long before I had my first book published in 2003, it began probably when I held the first book in my hand.  At three years old I learned to read, the Cat In the Hat was a constant companion then.

In Kindergarten I was told I was Dyselxic but that didn't slow me down from reading, nor did it slow my desire to write later.  I think I wrote my first story at the begining of high school, but I wrote before then, bits and pieces of stories, poems, whatever.

I love to write, and I love living life, my friends, my family, all of them inspire me to write, encourage me in their own ways.  I am glad that I have that encouragement and the faith that sees me through!

In Christs Love

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