Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Visons of Grandeur

Perhaps like me when you first began thinking that perhaps you would publish books, you dreamed of that mansion on the San Francisco Bay, but truth be told for me it has always been about more than that, I knew that my stories, my words make a difference, that I somehow spread a message.

I began writing stories a few years before I gave my heart to Christ, I was still very much a child then.  At fourteen I suppose you are a child, but I watched myself grow as a writer, and I watched my dreams grow too.

After having seven books published though, and still not having that mansion on the San Francisco Bay, or better yet a log cabin in my hometown.  I think I like the sound of the later better.  I would get lost in the curves and turns of San Francisco, but regardless as a writer I barely scrape by.  Without my faith, and that burning sensation inside me that tells me to write, to say what I need to say, to use my words to draw each other to the Lords.

On some of my writing I try to step out of my comfort zone.  Finding Star, deals with abuse, molestation, rape, but more than that it is a story of redemption.

And the Alexei Series, the four that are published, all deal with things that perhaps some Christians would not touch, but I touch them in a way I feel God would want me to.  I often find myself praying as I am writing, and more often than not I incorporate verses from the Bible.

I know that I am a professional Author, but now more than ever I know what that means, it does not mean the words always come easy, that I don't sweat and cry over them because I do, but when someone reads my words and tells me they are touched in someway, even when someone points something out that I need to change, I feel good about what I am doing.

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